金盏花蜜膜 (净含量:120g)
金盏花有超强的愈合能力,杀菌收敛伤口,缓解发炎,预防暗疮,毛孔粗大,防止疤痕的产生。 花叶有消炎、抗菌作用。根能行气活血,花可凉血、止血。欧洲民间早就外用在皮肤、粘膜的各种炎症上,也可内服治疗各种炎症及溃疡。金盏花能促进皮肤的新陈代谢。尤其针对干燥的肌肤,有高度的滋润效果. 镇定肌肤,改善敏感性肤质。具有修护疤痕的功效。
Maigolds have a supeio ability to heal wounds convegence steilization, elieve inflammation, pevent acne, lage poes and pevent scaing. Mosaic has anti-inflammatoy, antibacteial effect. Root can do qi and blood, the flowe can be cooling, bleeding. Euope has long been popula in a vaiety of topical inflammation of the skin, mucous membanes, and also can be taken oally to teat a vaiety of inflammation and ulceation. Calendula can pomote skin metabolism. Especially fo dy skin, highly moistuizing effect. Calm skin, impove sensitive skin.It has utility epai scaing.